Post by Richie Kindson on Sept 2, 2007 20:35:25 GMT
The dragonite was wide open after using the powerful attack. It braced itself as best it could as it moved it's arm infront of the attack.
Post by jokerman on Sept 3, 2007 9:24:10 GMT
Adam went to the library and got to a computer Username:Jokerman Password: *********** Adam smiled and put his Dragonite back in the PC and pulled out the Shellder that he had just caught. He called the hotline on the pack of sweets ready to make a complaint. "Hello, I'd like to make a complaint" "Why Sir what happened?" "Some one put Teddiursa poo in the sweets" "Oh not again, we'll send you a free pokemon as a sorry" Adam smiled bleakly as a YOU HAVE RECIEVED A GIFT icon appaered on the computer screen and the line went dead. Adam sat down in the chair and clicked the icon it said "You have recieved Gyarados - level 55" "Cool, I should make complaints more often" Adam laughed withdrawing the Gyarados and Inserting his Venusaur. Adam left to challenge the gym
Silver Trainer
Posts: 207
Post by Tony on Sept 4, 2007 0:31:40 GMT
Tony walked into the pokemon center and went to the Computer. He put away Growlith and Haughnter and withdrew Surskit and the mystery pokemon he found in the woods. He exited and went back to the woods.
Post by Harry Dark on Sept 4, 2007 9:04:27 GMT
Gyarados hit Dragonite, smashing it into the floor with the 4x super effective attack, followed up immediately by Bite, badly hurting it.
Post by Richie Kindson on Sept 4, 2007 13:04:08 GMT
Dragonite barely got his feet Richie looke into his pokenav real quick hen told dragonite to use seismic toss he picked it up flew real high then finished after the gyarados hit the dround Dragonite used hyper beam.
Post by Harry Dark on Sept 4, 2007 13:08:45 GMT
Gyarados was badly hurt, but took it's chance while Dragonite was using Hyper Beam to get in another Ice Fang, weakening it Hyper Beam. It hurt Gyarados more, but Gyarados used Bite again from short range while Dragonite was recharging.
Post by Richie Kindson on Sept 4, 2007 13:14:11 GMT
Dragonite fell to the ground he was going to go out just yet It used dragon rage and then a hyper beam to stop any dodges.
Post by Harry Dark on Sept 4, 2007 13:16:10 GMT
Gyarados returned a Hydro Pump, dousing the Dragon Rage. The Hyper Beam only just hit, and Gyaraods used the recharge time for another Ice Fang.
Post by Richie Kindson on Sept 4, 2007 13:20:39 GMT
Dragonite this time he aimed his arm letting it bite down. It used the last of it's energy on hyper beam and then fainted. Richie rushed to the pokemon center and then returned saying good battle,
Post by Harry Dark on Sept 4, 2007 13:23:34 GMT
Harry nodded, returning Gyarados who roared with victory.
"Your Dragonite is inexperienced. It evolved too fast." Harry said simply, and followed Tony.
Post by Richie Kindson on Sept 4, 2007 13:24:52 GMT
My dragonite is perfectly fine ok and don't get it twisted.
Post by Harry Dark on Sept 4, 2007 13:27:52 GMT
Harry shrugged. "It couldn't handle the pressure. It fired off too many Hyper Beams." He said, going into the Pokemon Center.
Post by Richie Kindson on Sept 4, 2007 13:29:44 GMT
We will see next time when i defeat you. He was not in the mood to take advice from a stranger.
Post by Harry Dark on Sept 4, 2007 13:31:03 GMT
Harry laughed. "Train Dragonite and you might come close." He said as a final word.
Post by Richie Kindson on Sept 4, 2007 13:35:14 GMT
Richie smoled as he let Lucario out his ball it was his best partner and strongest pokemon.