
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Valencia Island

Valencia Island is located in the south-western region of the Orange Archipelago.

It is home to Pokémon researcher Professor Ivy and her extensive lab. She notes the alternate coloration, and tropical island climate effect on island Pokémon on the island. Professor Ivy will also give starters to trainers.

Moderator: B-G

6 76 Open this please!!!!!
by shinybreeder
Aug 12, 2011 19:26:08 GMT
No New Posts Mikan Island

Mikan Island, where the Orange Crew Leader Cissy lives.
Mikan Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

16 75 Gym #1 - Coral Eye Badge
by ernmoney00
Dec 23, 2010 5:34:45 GMT
No New Posts Navel Island

Navel island is located in the eastern region of the Orange Archipelago. It has a high, snowy mountain. Navel Island is home to the second Gym that leads to the Orange League. The Gym Leader Danny lives here.
Navel Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

17 26 navel rock (cyrils fortress)
by cyril98
Jun 6, 2010 7:22:02 GMT
No New Posts Trovita Island - 1 Viewing

Trovita Island is surrounded by large rocks that were formed millions of years ago when the island rose out of the ocean. The Spike Shell Badge reflects this unique island trait. Trovita Island is home to the third member of the Orange Crew, Rudy and his sister Mahri. The Trovita Gym is a large stadium.
Trovita Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

5 12 Gym #3 - Spike Shell Badge
by cyril98
Jun 6, 2010 7:24:08 GMT
No New Posts Kumquat Island - 1 Viewing

Kumquat Island is a well known luxury resort. It is famous for its great hotels, beautiful beach, and natural hot springs. Kumquat Island is home to the fourth and final gym that leads to the Orange League. The resident Gym Leader, Luana, also owns the Kumquat Hotel.
Kumquat Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

16 21 Gym #4 - Jade Star Badge
by cyril98
Jun 6, 2010 7:26:57 GMT
No New Posts Pummelo Island

Pummelo is a tropical island in the north end of the Orange Archipelago. It is the final destination for Pokémon trainers who wish to participate in the Orange League.

Trainers who defeat the Head Leader Drake of the Orange Crew at Pummelo Stadium become Champions of the Orange League, honored forever in the Palace of Victory. Seasonal Orange League Winner's Trophy Matches are big events on the island, and battling seem to be viewed as an exciting spectator sport. Dragonite acts as the guardian of Pummelo Island.
Pummelo Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

16 28 Pummelo Forest
by yomandork
Jul 25, 2010 5:03:59 GMT
No New Posts Moro Island

The island has a museum dedicated to the history of the Orange League.

Ghost-type Pokémon inhabit a sunken ship off the shore of Moro Island. The ship was owned by an Orange League Champion from 300 years ago. The Ghost Pokémon keep and treasure the Champion's old Winner's Trophy.
Moro Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

5 9 Moro Forest
by deadman101
Jan 16, 2009 17:54:01 GMT
No New Posts Murcott Island

It is famous for being home to many rare Bug Pokémon, leading some to compare it to a Safari Zone.
Murcott Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

3 3 Murcott Marsh
by Harry Dark
Aug 16, 2007 14:09:57 GMT
No New Posts Kinnow Island

A small island not very attracted to tourism, as it's just a place more for residents. But it is quite know for the Pokemon that live in or around the island.
Kinnow Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

4 4 Kinnow Swamp
by Harry Dark
Aug 16, 2007 14:15:28 GMT
No New Posts Shamouti Island - 1 Viewing

Shamouti Island is home to the grand festival, held annually to celebrate 'The Chosen One.' Everyone dresses up, and dances round the city.
Shamouti Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

4 8 Shamouti Forest
by Harry Dark
Aug 16, 2007 14:21:45 GMT
No New Posts Cleopatra Island

Cleopatra Island is a deserted island, but many Pokemon make this island their home.
Cleopatra Island Photo

Moderator: B-G

1 3 Cleopatra Forest
by natanmorton
Jun 17, 2009 8:50:15 GMT
No New Posts Grapefruit Islands

The Grapefruit Islands hardly have people living there, for they are mostly working, collecting the islands most common food, Grapefruit. These islands are known because Grapefruit rarely grow anywhere else. Officer Jenny notes that many work hard to pick and package the grapefruit that grow on the islands. There are the seasonal Snorlax scares, in which everyone is called out to stop the Snorlax getting onto the island. Every year, a lucky trainer catches the Snorlax.
Grapefruit Islands Photo

Moderator: B-G

1 1 Grapefruit Islands
by Harry Dark
Aug 15, 2007 17:29:23 GMT
No New Posts Scarlett's Cove

On the Haunted Beach in Moro Island, Scarlett's Cove is a hidden base for Team Splinter, a devious, elite and highly-skilled criminal organization slowly taking over the Pokemon world. Led by Cypher Morticus, the group is slowly gaining more and more specialists. Scarlett's Cove is hidden, and can only be granted access to if you have been invited by Cypher, or proven yourself worthy.

Moderators: Cypher Morticus, B-G

6 24

Board Information & Statistics

Board Description Archipelago
The Orange Archipelago, usually referred to as the Orange Islands, is a large chain of islands, to the south of Kanto. The name is often abbreviated to OA. Their hot, tropical weather is a pull factor for many tourists, and trainers as well. The group of islands have their own league, the Orange League, which is somewhat different to the conventional leagues of the mainlands. There are only 4 badges, and these are often obtained, not by battling, but by other activities, such as testing the trust between trianer and Pokemon. These activities are set by the Orange Crew, a team of 5 strong trainers, who make up the league. Another effect of the hot climate is many alternate colored Pokemon, which are extremely rare on the mainlands. These Pokemon are still hard to find, and many of them are caught as babies, and there are few left wild.
To the north of the archipelago is Kanto, and Johto. To the east, Hoenn, West, Sinnoh, and to the extreme south, Yusoh. These islands are home to Professor Ivy, on Valencia Island. She gives out starter Pokemon to native trainers and trainers from other regions.

Open Since August 16th 2007

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