Cianwood City

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Gym #5 - Storm Badge
Jack 1 129 by cyril98
Jun 1, 2010 8:55:31 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Photo Studio
B-G 0 117 by B-G
Aug 15, 2007 12:35:30 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Pokemon Seer
B-G 0 111 by B-G
Aug 15, 2007 12:34:43 GMT


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Cianwood City
The reason this was called a City is a mystery, as it is still quite small. The city is situated on a town away from the rest of the Johto, for some odd reason.

On the island, there is a gym, where you will need fight fighting Pokèmon. The town is made of White cement, Bricks and Roofing. To the north there is an old lady who claims she can tell you where you met your pokemon.

There are a few houses here and there, a Pokemon Center and a Poke Mart, just like in every town, with he exception of Celadon and Goldenrod.
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