Cherrygrove City

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Route 30 - Cherrygrove City to Route 31
Dark Slayer 4 231 by engeloe4
Mar 11, 2011 23:47:09 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Route 31 - To Violet City
Dark Slayer 6 218 by plastic55
Dec 4, 2010 15:22:44 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Cherrygrove City
Dark Slayer 0 181 by Dark Slayer
Oct 1, 2007 19:28:19 GMT


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Cherrygrove City
Another relatively small city, with a few houses, a Pokemart, Poke Center, a few bushes and white floor. The town's people are friendly here, which makes things better too, and there is a small sign in the center, which tells you which town you are in, and what the town is known for.

You will be able to surf across the pond to go fishing once your Pokemon know how to surf across the water. There you will find a small island in the middle, which is the perfect spot for fishing.
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