Blackthorn City

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Gym #8 - Rising Badge
Jack 2 170 by cyril98
Jun 1, 2010 8:22:54 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Route 45/46
Dark Slayer 0 177 by Dark Slayer
Aug 25, 2007 0:31:07 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Dragon's Den.
Jack 0 128 by Jack
Jul 28, 2007 15:01:03 GMT


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Blackthorn City
Here there is a Gym, houses, Pokecenter, Mart, and the Dragon's Den, where the name suggests, Dragon types reside there.

Even the gym leader here, she uses Dragon types to battle with, namely Kingdra and Seadra as two of her favourites. Also, before giving the badge away, she always finds one or two errands to make people ' prove their worth'. Yes, she is a stubborn person who doesn't like losing too.

The worst thing about this town is it is always at risk of a team rocket attack, due to the powerful Pokemon in the den, and all of the red alerts there have been.

The towns people are always friendly, and people are always willing to help and show you around. The cave which connects Mahogany town and Blackthorn city is cold, icy, long and scary some times. If you go south to the end, you will end up back onto Route 29, and if you go to the east, you will find yourself back to where you started your adventure. You should now be able to also surf on the water to the east in the first town, which will take you right into Kanto.
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