Silver Cave

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Entrance of Silver Cave
Dark Slayer 1 218 by yusoh
Aug 19, 2009 22:54:59 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Past the Entrance
Dark Slayer 1 210 by brian2kanto
May 6, 2008 20:10:30 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Route 28 - Silver Cave
Dark Slayer 0 183 by Dark Slayer
Aug 30, 2007 1:59:31 GMT


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Silver Cave
This cave here is the cave which basically is what people call the ' Gateway to Kanto ' and if you are on the Kanto side ' The Gateway To Johto'.

The Pokemon here are the most powerful wild Pokèmon known to Johto, even the Pokèmon in Victory road can't match these ones, and only the most powerful trainers would even dare or think about entering.

To get to the end, you will need to use every single last HM there is known to the world of Pokèmon, as it has waterfalls, whirlpools, boulders, river/streams, pitch black areas, everything. Some may call it a hazard zone, where people could potentially die.
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