Ecruteak City

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Gym #4 - Fog Badge
Jack 1 155 by cyril98
Jun 1, 2010 8:47:10 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Route 42 - Mahogany Town
Dark Slayer 1 150 by ajna10
Jun 5, 2009 0:13:26 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Routes 38-39 - Olivine City
Dark Slayer 0 83 by Dark Slayer
Aug 24, 2007 23:43:44 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Kimono Dance Theater
B-G 0 99 by B-G
Aug 15, 2007 12:22:06 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Burnt tower
Jack 0 87 by Jack
Jul 28, 2007 14:51:36 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Tin Tower.
Jack 0 117 by Jack
Jul 28, 2007 14:51:01 GMT


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Ecruteak City
In Ecruteak city, there is two towers, one burnt out and all old, which looks as though it is about to collapse on people, and the other is Tin Tower, where it is rumoured the legendary Pokèmon Ho-oh is supposed to land and perch.

Also, in The burnt out tower, Entei, Raikou and Suicune is supposed to be sleeping, in the very depths. If they are woken up, they will run across the world.

The town has a gym, where they are devoted to dark and Ghost types, so you will have to bring along anything but normal types. The floor is also a trap, as there is a certain path in the gym which you must take or risk being sent right to the back by teleporters. Also, it means you have to battle ever trainer before even reaching the gym leader, who you must defeat for the city's badge.

The town is made of wood, brick, and white cement.

Tin tower is to the east, and burned tower is to the west.
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