Post by Harry Dark on Sept 25, 2007 15:52:29 GMT
This is the thread where you can apply to create a Rescue Team. Short posts will not be accepted.
Members in team: (E.g Harry Dark, Aaron Nightshadow. You can just have one member if you want.
Leader Pokemon's Name: (IC name of leader Pokemon)
Lead Pokemon's stats: (E.g Species, Level, moves.)
Lead Pokemon's History: (the background for your lead Pokemon. Needs to be at least 5 sentences, or more.)
Partner Pokemon 1's Name:
Partner Pokemon 1's Stats:
Partner Pokemon 1's History:
Partner Pokemon 2's Name:
Partner Pokemon 2's Stats:
Partner Pokemon 2's History:
Base Style: (E.g Pikachu style, Gible style...)
Team Name: (Anything you like, but it has to be two words or less, preceded by 'Team', so Team Super Bad is allowed, Team Super Duper Awesome is not. )
Your Pokemon must start at level 5. They must only know two moves that they would normally know at level 5. They may learn 1 inheritance move with less than 90 power, or that inflicts a medium/low status condition. These moves must be obtainable via breeding, not TM.
Your application must be posted in this thread. It must also be copied into the first post of your base.
Post by Harry Dark on Sept 25, 2007 16:31:35 GMT
Current Registered Teams:
Zephur's Team Harry + bakaryu's Team Team Shadow Wolf (Mariah Wolff) jokerman's team Deoxys's team Team Water Flight (Mechadude) Team Sassy (Barbie Girl) Loveless's team Tony's team Kathy's team frappe's team g5119's team Team Titanic (mr feraligatr) Team Nightfire (Aaron Nightshadow)
Post by iAaron on Sept 25, 2007 20:06:54 GMT
I reposted my HQ. Btw, Mariah's team is permenant in my HQ till she comes back. For the memories, dude.
Post by Harry Dark on Sept 26, 2007 14:42:39 GMT
Got it, thanks.
Silver Trainer
The Darkest Dragon Master[M:-100]
Day and Night Combined: Power
Posts: 154
Post by Kathy on Sept 29, 2007 2:18:36 GMT
Members in team: Kathy [just me] Leader Pokemon's Name: Shade Lead Pokemon's stats:  Level 5 Attacks: Rage, Bite, Shadow Fang Lead Pokemon's History: Shade is a runt of a Bagon colony and was departed when a storm hit. He has been jealous of his bigger sister, Darla. After his loss of his family, he is washed to an unknown island. It wasn't long until he found a Hoothoot by the name of Caliban, who was attacked by some Wingull. They quickly befriended each other. Caliban also had another friend, Marina, a Piplup. They both too, became friends. Now, with his hopes high and how he became lost, Shade had decided to start his ownRescue Team to help others from being parted from their family. Partner Pokemon 1's Name: Marina Partner Pokemon 1's Stats:  Level 5 Attacks: Pound, Growl, Mud-Slap Partner Pokemon 1's History: Marina has been abandoned by her trainer and was dumped on an island. There, she lived happily, but still, there was danger around every corner. One night, a Pokemon banked by her nest, a Hoothoot! His name was Caliban. He was a friendly one and she helped healed his injures he had faced with his trainer. They both became friends and Marina showed Caliban where to find berries and Caliban showed her how to mix them. Then one night, a storm hit the mainland and a young Pokemon landed one the island. Caliban soon returned with a Bagon, and they were friends already! Marina thought the Bagon was handsome and soon befriend it too. After awhile, Bagon started his own Rescue Team, to help others in need. Partner Pokemon 2's Name: Caliban Partner Pokemon 2's Stats:  Level 5 Attacks: Tackle, Foresight, Wing Attack Partner Pokemon 2's History: Caliban had ran away from it's mean trainer and ended up on an island. He'd met a kind Piplup and lived on the island for about a mouth when another Pokemon landed on the island. Caliban rushed up to meet him, but some Wingull flying across the island pecked and attacked him, but the Bagon helped him and they both safely returned back with Marina. Now, he has two friends, Marina and Shade. Both willing to help him and each other. After awhile, Shade started his own Rescue Team to help others. Marina and Caliban proudly accepted. CompulsoryBase Style: Bagon Style. Team Name: Team Silver Fang
Post by jokerman on Oct 19, 2007 7:22:19 GMT
OOC: I am re-registering
Members in team: Jokerman and Anyone else if they wanna join!
Leader Pokemon's Name: Fang
Lead Pokemon species: Charmander
Lead Pokemon's stats: Level 5 Attacks: Scratch, Tailwhip, Ember
Lead Pokemon's History: Charmander was once with Ash Ketchum, You know short, black hair never grows up. But he ran away because of all the bad jokes and what not. He was taken in by a nice women who goe's by the name of Jessie and she wore a white top with a big red R on it. But then her, her husband (james) and her house cat (meowth) died in a terrible shooting range accident. Charmander went along to a pokemon academy where abbandoned pokemon were looked after and taught human language. After a year of that he had mastered it and could speak fluent: Italian, English, French, Spanish and Brazilian. He then decided to get to gever a rescue team full of his best friend who went to The Pokemon Academy with him.
Partner Pokemon 1's Name: Dribble
Partner Pokemon 1's Species: Likitung
Partner Pokemon 1's Stats: Level 5 Attacks: Lick, Roll, Tackle
Partner Pokemon 1's History: Dribble probably had the worst past. At the age of 2 his mum was stolen by some evil witch from team rocket (jessie). The only good thing was she died. Dribble likes to lick anything as he was put into slave labour as a cleaner for a rich estate in the Orange Islands. But when the rich estate exploded Likitung ran away and joined the pokemon academy.
Partner Pokemon 2's Name: No Partner 2
Partner Pokemon 2's Stats: No Partner 2 stats
Partner Pokemon 2's History: No Partner 2 history
Base Style: Charmander Style
Team Name: Team Dark Arrow
Post by frappe on Oct 20, 2007 13:22:22 GMT
I'm re-doing my team.
Members in team: Sky & Ellen
Leader Pokemon's Name: Sky
Lead Pokemon's stats: Swablu, lv.5, moves: peck and growl, male
Lead Pokemon's History: Sky was born 1 month ago in a cloud above Fortree City. He grew under the care of Elise and Bart Swablu. At a yaoung age he was put in a pokemon daycare. Sky made many friends at the academy, 2 of his greatest were Ellen, an eevee, and Evan, a ralts. After a week of attending "The School In The Sky Pokemon Academy" tragedy struck the family. One afternoon, the adcademy got a call from the police station. There was news that Sky's parents were murdered in their own home by none other than Drakrai, the evilest villain of them all. Sky then decided to make a rescue team so that more pokemon won't have to go through what he went through. He asked Ellen and Evan if they would like two join his rescue team. Amazingly, they accepted. The 2 main goals for the team is to get Darkrai put in jail for the aweful crime he did top the Swablu family, and to of course save all the pokemon they can.
Partner Pokemon 1's Name:Ellen
Partner Pokemon 1's Stats:Eevee, lv.5, moves: sand-attack and tackle, female
Partner Pokemon 1's History: Ellen was born in Fartree City in Hoenn. Ellen grew up from the care of Umija and Nina Uji. Ellen attended "The School In The Sky Pokemon Academy" She had many friends there, 2 in particular. Sky, a swblu, and Evan, a ralts. One day, Sky's parents were murdered by none other than Darkrai. Sky formed a rescue team to stop Darkrai, and of course rescue as many pokemon as possible. When Sky asked her to join, she gladely accepted. That is how the resue team came to be.
Partner Pokemon 2's Name: Evan Partner Pokemon 2's Stats: Ralts, Lv.5, moves: tackle and calm mind, male
Partner Pokemon 2's History: Evan Ralts was born in Fortree Ciry, Hoenn by Erika and Joseph Ralts. Miles attended "The School In The Sky Pokemon Academy" Miles had many friends at the academy, 2 main ones. Sky the swablu, and Ellen the eevee. One day Sky's parents were murdered by none other than Darkrai. Sky set up a resue team, and when he asked Evan to join, he gladly accepted. The teams 2 goals were to defeat Darkrai and put him in prison, and to rescue as many pokemon as possible.
Base Style: Sky
Team Name: Team Psy Fly
Post by jokerman on Oct 20, 2007 13:36:47 GMT
OMG frappe how is that a Application??
Post by frappe on Oct 20, 2007 13:46:12 GMT
I edited it. I wasn't done. Now look at it.
Post by jokerman on Oct 20, 2007 14:44:39 GMT
WoW! Good Work Frappe
Post by frappe on Oct 20, 2007 16:01:58 GMT
Thanks! ;D
Green Trainer
yo yo yo
Posts: 33
Post by dragoran on Nov 1, 2007 19:18:47 GMT
Leader Pokemon's Name: Dragoran
team members: anybody who wants to join Lead Pokemon's stats: Species: Turtwig Lvl: 5 Moves: Tackle, Growl and Razor leaf
Lead Pokemon's History: One day Satsoraxo got a new pokemon. It was a Turtwig. He named The pokemon Dragoran. But dragoran refused to go into his pokeball. The 2 argued about it and in that discussion Satsoraxo accidently breaks the pokeball in 2 parts. The pokeball started glowing and then the only thing Dragoran could remember was: a big flash, a pokemon and Satsoraxo. Now The Turtwig is stranded on a mysteryous island.
Base Style: Turtwig Style
Team Name: Team Emo
Please Join!!!
Post by GARGANTULA on Nov 27, 2007 15:58:05 GMT
Members in team: eevee, sneasel, clamperl
Leader Pokemon's Name: michael
Lead Pokemon's stats: eevee, attacks: tackle, growl, helping hand, LV.5
Lead Pokemon's History: he was an eevee, in viridian city, when he was baby. he has a littlesister, a mom, and a dad. he was dead, when he was not found by the boy Ling Siovama. this pokemon, doesn´t run away, so it can go everywhere. he meet two friends later on hes journey: the sneasel snikkaniel, and the clamperl clamprita. then he want to start an rescue etam for pokemon! now he is 13 years old, and he is a strong little eevee, that waiting for the time, to be an espeon....
Partner Pokemon 1's Name: snikkaniel
Partner Pokemon 1's Stats: sneasel, attacks: scratch, leer, night slash, LV.5
Partner Pokemon 1's History: he was a baby too, when he was left by his parrents. they thinked: "he´s to weak!"and left him in the rain. then there was comming a boat? a clamp? no a clamperl! it was the clamperl clamprita, that has rescued him! some years after thet, they found the eevee michael, and wanted to start an rescue team for pokemon!
Partner Pokemon 2's Name: clamprita
Partner Pokemon 2's Stats: clamperl, attacks: tackle, growl, clamp, LV.5
Partner Pokemon 2's History: she was born on lake of rage in the big region of johto, by an sheelder and a clamperl. she was there in 3 years, but then hers parrents evolved into cloyster and huntail. they got very many kids, but that clamprita doesn´t liked. she was going away from the lake. then it begain to rain! she was throwing by the win, and a sneasel (snikkaniel) was falling over her! they be friends, and three years after, they meet michael.
Base Style: eevee style
Team Name: team eevee-lution
Post by Kano on Sept 4, 2008 1:07:12 GMT
Post by eeveefan on Oct 14, 2008 16:10:18 GMT
Members in team: Fluffy,Speed Dial,Varjak Leader Pokemon's Name: Fluffy Lead Pokemon's stats: Eevee Lv.5 Tackle Shadow Ball Tail Whip Sand Attack Lead Pokemon's History: Partner Pokemon 1's Name: Speed Dial Partner Pokemon 1's Stats: Pikachu Lv.5 Thundershock Tackle Tail Whip Thunderbolt Partner Pokemon 1's History: Partner Pokemon 2's Name: Varjak Paw (AKA Varjak) Partner Pokemon 2's Stats: Meowth Lv.5 Scratch Tackle Quick Attack Double Team Partner Pokemon 2's History: Base Style: Eevee Style Team Name: Team Dragon's Fang will edit